Profile PictureLissie Dixon

Wrong About the Stars #1 PDF

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Shika lives above and works at The Elbaite Lily Café and Tearoom, a pastel establishment on the corner. An interesting job for a deer-eared girl from another planet, no doubt, but she wouldn't trade it for any other.

Not that anyone around her can see her as anything but a regular human. Nor did she mean to be here to begin with.

But what happens when Alf, her quiet and creative coworker, starts to see her as what she is?

Join Shika and Alf as they navigate friends, family, truth, and those pesky Spring Formals you secretly really want to be invited to.

Sit back with a cup of tea (or your beverage/snack of choice) and enjoy the first installment in this all-ages romance!

Written and illustrated by Lissie Dixon. 22 full-color pages. PDF. 2019.

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Wrong About the Stars #1 PDF

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24 pages
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Wrong About the Stars #1 PDF

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